Interested in joining - here's what you need to know;
STEP 1: Watch the Test Your Limits Video by clicking the link above.
STEP 2: Send us an email via the 'contact us' page to arrange coming to visit us or have specific questions answered.
We will walk you through the enrollment process and answer any questions you may have.
Education: Applicants must be enrolled in school, either public or private, or a sanctioned home school program and have a satisfactory scholastic standing. Please bring a copy of most recent report card to your first drill.
Physical Examination:
A medical examination similar to a high school sports physical is required for all cadet applicants to the Naval Sea Cadet Corps (NSCC) or Navy League Cadet Corps (NLCC). No one will be denied admission to the NSCC/NLCC due to a medical disability. Where a medical condition precludes full, unlimited participation, a Request for Accommodation (NSCADM 015) may be presented by the parent or guardian for review so the cadet may participate in NSCC activities to the maximum extent possible.
Adult applicants must be in good health commensurate with their age group and be free from any ailment or condition that would prevent them from satisfactorily performing their primary duty of
supervising youth. NOTE: Adults not physically qualified to perform all duties may still participate with a waiver from NHQ considering the parameters of their expected contribution to the NSCC program.
Moral Character: Applicants must possess good moral character, be unmarried, not pregnant, drug free and be free of felony conviction. Once a cadet has enrolled, a minimum 1-year enrollment is requested. In addition, cadets are required to attend a two-week boot camp during the summer (one week for League Cadets). A cadet is asked to mark his calendar for the entire year so that personal activities can be scheduled around drills. Keep in mind that there are an average of 12-14 drills per year. Cadets must attend 75% of all scheduled drills.
Enrollment Fees:
There is an initial enrollment fee, followed by an annual fee, due at the cadets initial enrollment date. Enrollment fees include administrative, insurance and uniform fees. The NSCC accident insurance program form is attached to the application packet.
Enrollment fees paid by individuals who subsequently drop from the NSCC program are non-refundable or transferable to another applicant.
Overdraft Checks: A $25 fee will be charged for a returned check.
Cadet Identification cards:
Upon receipt of the appropriate fees, NHQ will issue each applicant listed a NSCC/NLCC ID Card valid for 1 year. All cadets must possess current NSCC/NLCC ID Cards at all times. The annual enrollment fee will be collected 3 months prior to expiration of card. Cadet ID Cards will be stamped Under Age 21 to clearly indicate that NSCC/NLCC Cadets are minors.
A reprocessing fee will be charged for each lost, stolen or damaged ID card.
With a current ID Card and orders from the CO, cadets have access to military exchanges to purchase additional uniforms, etc. Some stores will honor the ID cards with 'military discount's'
Parental involvement:
Parental support is needed in meeting the drill attendance requirements, transportation and personal appearance and particularly haircuts/hair styling. We are also always looking for volunteers to raise funds in order to provide the most exciting training opportunities we can for our cadets.
STEP 2: Send us an email via the 'contact us' page to arrange coming to visit us or have specific questions answered.
We will walk you through the enrollment process and answer any questions you may have.
Education: Applicants must be enrolled in school, either public or private, or a sanctioned home school program and have a satisfactory scholastic standing. Please bring a copy of most recent report card to your first drill.
Physical Examination:
A medical examination similar to a high school sports physical is required for all cadet applicants to the Naval Sea Cadet Corps (NSCC) or Navy League Cadet Corps (NLCC). No one will be denied admission to the NSCC/NLCC due to a medical disability. Where a medical condition precludes full, unlimited participation, a Request for Accommodation (NSCADM 015) may be presented by the parent or guardian for review so the cadet may participate in NSCC activities to the maximum extent possible.
Adult applicants must be in good health commensurate with their age group and be free from any ailment or condition that would prevent them from satisfactorily performing their primary duty of
supervising youth. NOTE: Adults not physically qualified to perform all duties may still participate with a waiver from NHQ considering the parameters of their expected contribution to the NSCC program.
Moral Character: Applicants must possess good moral character, be unmarried, not pregnant, drug free and be free of felony conviction. Once a cadet has enrolled, a minimum 1-year enrollment is requested. In addition, cadets are required to attend a two-week boot camp during the summer (one week for League Cadets). A cadet is asked to mark his calendar for the entire year so that personal activities can be scheduled around drills. Keep in mind that there are an average of 12-14 drills per year. Cadets must attend 75% of all scheduled drills.
Enrollment Fees:
There is an initial enrollment fee, followed by an annual fee, due at the cadets initial enrollment date. Enrollment fees include administrative, insurance and uniform fees. The NSCC accident insurance program form is attached to the application packet.
Enrollment fees paid by individuals who subsequently drop from the NSCC program are non-refundable or transferable to another applicant.
Overdraft Checks: A $25 fee will be charged for a returned check.
Cadet Identification cards:
Upon receipt of the appropriate fees, NHQ will issue each applicant listed a NSCC/NLCC ID Card valid for 1 year. All cadets must possess current NSCC/NLCC ID Cards at all times. The annual enrollment fee will be collected 3 months prior to expiration of card. Cadet ID Cards will be stamped Under Age 21 to clearly indicate that NSCC/NLCC Cadets are minors.
A reprocessing fee will be charged for each lost, stolen or damaged ID card.
With a current ID Card and orders from the CO, cadets have access to military exchanges to purchase additional uniforms, etc. Some stores will honor the ID cards with 'military discount's'
Parental involvement:
Parental support is needed in meeting the drill attendance requirements, transportation and personal appearance and particularly haircuts/hair styling. We are also always looking for volunteers to raise funds in order to provide the most exciting training opportunities we can for our cadets.